Girls Summer School

Girls summer school can be an alternative to military schools. Keep reading to learn more about year round boarding schools and summer schools for girls, as well as the benefits of girls summer schools for struggling teens.

Military style boarding schools for girls can be great places for young women to get a good education, learn discipline and excel. There are programs designed as college prep schools so that girls can learn the skills they need to be accepted into college, as well as programs aimed at trouble youth to give them direction and structure in an attempt to help them get back on track. Whether your girl is looking for a challenge not presented in the traditional public school system, or whether your teen needs a helping hand to get on the right path, there is usually a military boarding school that fits. And, if you need some sort of additional boarding during the summer, there are girls’ summer schools that can provide some additional help. 

 Year round and girls summer school

There are several year round boarding school programs that can help your teenager get a head start and properly prepare for the future. These are helpful for parents who have duties that take them out of the country, as well as beneficial for those who need a little extra help. In many cases, girls summer school and year round school at boarding institutions have longer holidays for Christmas and Easter, as well as providing a month off during the summer.

Girls summer school can have a number of benefits for those who are falling behind in their studies. Not only can a girls military school help with discipline and structure, and provide a challenge for bright girls who are looking for more from their education, but summer school can also help close the achievement gap for those who are struggling teens.

For those who are struggling in their school work, here are some of the possible benefits of girls summer school:

  • Retain skills: One of the biggest issues with summer school is that skills that students have gained over the school year can be lost over the course of the summer. Indeed, studies have shown that all student experience a drop in math skills over the summer. Reading skills are damaged for students in homes where resources or parental involvement are low and no summer reading program is in place. Summer school programs can help teen girls better retain their skills.
  • Bring skills up to snuff: Some girls have a hard time, and may fall behind during the school year. Summer school programs can help these teenagers catch up to their peers. For those who are struggling a little extra learning and some extra support from teachers can help them catch up.
  • Individualized instruction: Because summer school programs are often smaller than other programs during the school year, it is a good idea to use summer as a time for your teen girl to get more individualized attention and help. This can accelerate learning, as well as provide a degree of confidence.

Girls summer school can also provide help for those who feel that regular public school is not a challenge. There are private academies and teen military schools for girls that offer challenging college prep courses that can help your girl excel. In this these programs, summer school often consists of an ambitious project or a hands-on, educational travel experience. This can provide girls with interesting and challenging experiences that can introduce them to new things that can benefit them later in life.

In the end, girls summer school can be a great experience. Different programs have different uses, and can be chosen for the way they meet the needs of your teenager. It is a good idea to carefully vet the programs you consider, and make sure that it will accomplish what you and your teenager want it to.